who risk their lives fighting for change.
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We put pressure on governments and companies whose activities fuel the world’s worst crimes.


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First Protect People was founded as the Citizens Committee for International Human Rights to promote laws and policies that advance universal rights and freedoms. We exist to protect and defend the dignity of each individual through respect for human rights and the rule of law.
- We fight for equality and for freedom of thought, expression, and religion; We support people who struggle to promote these principles within their own societies;
- We work to hold accountable under the law those who violate these principles;
- We strive to ensure the security of individuals and to protect against the arbitrary exercise of state power;
- We confront human rights challenges with strategic responses that do not compromise our integrity;
- We are committed to building a global movement of people who share these principles.
Within our organization, we value learning, mutual respect, collaboration, and a diversity of viewpoints. We set ambitious goals, achieve measurable results, and make a difference in people’s lives. First Protect People is a non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in Pakistan.
Message From Ceo
It’s a pleasure for me that you are visiting our website. When I was student I saw the brochure of Amnesty International in library and after deeply study the great cause of Amnesty International, reserved my services for this great cause under Amnesty Internationals guideline. In 2001 I launched greenothinktank consist of brain of Pakistan. For the restoration of democracy and for the restoration of Honorable Judiciary of Pakistan I fulfilled my responsibilities as an activist from civil society.
Yours Truly
Sajjad Haider Baig
Sajjad Haider Baig

On human rights, First Protect People believes that Pakistan must serve as a beacon. Activists fighting for freedom around the globe continue to look to us for inspiration and count on us for support. Upholding human rights is not only a moral obligation but also a vital national interest. Pakistan is strongest when our policies and actions align with our values.
First Protect People is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges Pakistan to live up to its ideals. We firmly believe that Pakistan’s leadership is crucial in the struggle for human rights. Therefore, we exert pressure on the government and institutions to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they fall short, we take action to demand reform, accountability, and justice. Globally, we leverage Pakistan’s influence to secure core freedoms wherever we can have the greatest impact.
We understand that merely exposing and protesting injustice is not enough. We strive to create the political environment and policy solutions necessary for consistent respect of human rights. Whether we are protecting refugees, combating torture, or defending persecuted minorities, our focus is not just on making a point but on making a difference. First Protect People is a non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in Pakistan.
What We Do
First Protect People is an independent human rights organization that challenges our country to live up to its ideals. We advocate for the respect of human rights by pressing the government and businesses to bridge the gap between values and actions. Globally, we strive to leverage international influence to safeguard fundamental freedoms through the rule of law.
As an organization, we are committed to promoting and protecting human rights, working towards a world where every individual’s dignity is upheld. We actively engage with governments, businesses, and other stakeholders to hold them accountable for their actions and policies. By advocating for human rights, we seek to create a society that upholds the highest standards of equality, justice, and freedom.
First Protect People operates with the belief that everyone deserves to live a life free from discrimination, oppression, and injustice. Through our efforts, we aim to create a lasting impact and contribute to the advancement of human rights on a global scale.
We challenge the enablers of mass atrocities.We put pressure on governments and companies whose activities fuel the world’s worst crimes.
Because companies can be part of the problem, we hold them accountable for rights violations. Because they can be part of the solution, we work with them to stand up to repressive governments and support human rights.
We work with frontline activists to support human rights defenders around the world who risk their lives fighting for change.